Connecting a PC Keyboard PS/2 thru PS/2 to USB adaptor - won't recognize


I just got a used G4 to try out Macs, and I can't figure out how to get the PC keyboard to get recognized. I have an old Compaq PS/2 keyboard and purchased a PS/2 to USB adaptor with slots for a mouse and a keyboard. I plugged the keyboard into the PS/2 adaptor and the end of the adaptor into the USB port on the back. It says it cannot recognize the keyboard, asks me to hit the key next to shift, and then nothing happens. Please help, I really want to get this up and running ASAP. Thanks!
01. You could follow Hans777's 'Apple Discussions' suggestion.

02. You could provide the manufacturers' name, model number, and related web page - of the PS2 to USB adapter you have.

03. You could purchase any cheap non-Apple, non-Mac, USB keyboard. Naturally, you will have to switch the functions of the '<option>' and 'Command' keys - via 'System Preferences' 'Keyboard & Mouse' utility's 'Keyboard' tabs' 'Modifier Keys...' buttons' drop down sheet.