Console error messages


Wondering if I can get some help interpretting error messages that appear in the console log. I keep getting these messages, sometimes once a minute:

*** malloc[913]: Deallocation of a pointer not malloced: 0xffffffff; This could be a double free(), or free() called with the middle of an allocated block; Try setting environment variable MallocHelp to see tools to help debug
ValidateMPMemory: Invalid memory block pointer (consistency checks failed)
ValidateMPMemory: Invalid memory block pointer (consistency checks failed)

The "ValidateMPMemory: Invalid memory block pointer (consistency checks failed)" part repeats over and over.

I also have these messages from ical (or cron):
"2003-02-05 23:14:35.217 iCal Helper[900] Launch of helper planned at : 02/06/03 00:14:35"

Ical never notifies me of a scheduled event unless I happen to have it running when the notification time passes. Are these messages related?

800Mhz G4 Quicksilver2002, 512Mb, Nvidia 4MX, OS 10.2.3
The first one is by some program that's trying to free some memory that it doesn't really own anymore. The only way to tell which one is to quit an app at a time until they stop. Then you should check to see if it has an update or email the author telling them what's going on. There isn't much else you can do about it.

Dunno if the two messages are linked or not. I haven't even tried out iCal, so I haven't noticed if I get any of those messages when it's running.