Contact Form


I need to make a contact form but it's been a long time since i've written one and i'm worried about spammers. Anyone know of a pre made contact form in php that has some anti spammer checks to get me started

Formmail from Matt's script archive is probably the most widely used and most secure.
Did you look at the page you linked?

Version: 1.92 - Released: April 21, 2002

Did you look at the site I linked?

nms is a set of web programs that are intended as drop-in replacements for the scripts at Matt's Script Archive. Matt's Script Archive has been on the web since 1995. It is a repository of web scripts written in Perl by a programmer called Matt Wright.

MSA is probably the most popular repository of web scripts currently available on the internet.

Why do we need a replacement for Matt's Script Archive?

The problem is that the scripts in Matt's Script Archive aren't very good. The scripts are well known amongst the Perl community to be badly written, buggy, and insecure. Anyone asking for support on Matt's scripts in any forum will be told in no uncertain terms that they shouldn't use his scripts.

Unfortunately for some time there were no replacements for Matt's scripts that you would want people to use. In 2001, the London Perl Mongers decided to address this problem and write a series of drop-in replacements for Matt's scripts. This project is the result.


In May 2002, Matt Wright gave the MSA web site a major redesign. He included a page about nms. Here are a couple of extracts.

While the free code found at my web site has not evolved much in recent years, the general programming practices and standards of CGI programs have. nms is an attempt by very active programmers in the Perl community to bring the quality of code for these types of programs up to date and eliminate some of the bad programming practices and bugs found in the existing Matt's Script Archive code.

I would highly recommend downloading the nms versions if you wish to learn CGI programming. The code you find at Matt's Script Archive is not representative of how even I would code these days.
Well done Simbalala,

This is an archived link. If you read the text on the page it explains the history and provides a link to nms formmail, leading to exactly the same place, albeit with more of an historical overview & understanding of the security issues in question.
Here is a fairly simple one that will drop in to a page (include headers/footer pages or similar).

Its Clean PHP and fairly anti spam.

If you have any questions email me or add my msn.

NOTES: I have renames to file to have a .txt file extension, Change this to PHP!


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