Cool iDisk Software!


Unofficial Mac Genius
Hey, guys. There's some cool software on your iDisk now.

Mount your iDisk in the Finder (Command-Option-I when in the Finder). Then open your iDisk, open "Software", open "Mac OS X Software", and then open "What's New". If your iDisk is going too slow, unmount it, press Command-K in the finder, type in afp://, and then go through the steps to mounting your iDisk that way – it's a bit faster.

:D (HINT: Look at my signature. ;) )
now THAT screams for a Congrats thread...oh already have one...nonetheless! CONGRATS TO SIMX!
Bah, it's still made in AppleScript Studio :)

Hmm, OmniWeb flags AppleScript as a bad word. You'd think Apple would have put AppleScript into their dictionary!

Yay fer simX :)
Maybe you'll make a few more bucks off it. What did you have to do to get the software on Apple's iDisk?
If you submit your application to Apple's Mac OS X downloads section, there'll be a popup asking if you want to put it on the iDisk. If you select "yes", Apple will contact you and work with you to go through the process to get your application approved and put up on your iDisk.

(Note that MUG is also featured in the Mac OS X downloads section on Apple's website. :) )
Congrats, SimX!

Now, you just need a nice picture to go along with that download description in the downloads section of Apple. Set your desktop picture to white so it blends with the Apple downloads bg. ;)