copy files from XSERVE 10.3.9 to OS X very very slow

Hans Gübeli

Hi there

We experience severe performance problems when copying and accessing files from our server!!

This problem does not exist for our 9.2 (still!) workstations, but on our os x boxes.

Anyone who can point me in the right direction??
It's too bad no one has come up with a solution for you. We had a similar problem in my school district, copying from an Xserve G4 to 10.3.9. I think my district is going to scrap the Xserve and go with another vendor's server, but that isn't saying much. I don't think they know much about the Xserve.

Have you looked at the AppleFileService logs in Console (/Applications/Utilities/Console)? I don't know if that would be helpful. There might be some indication of what's causing the slowdown.

There are lots of ways to performance tune AFP. About how many simultaneous connections do you have to the AFP server? That can play a large role.
