Counterstrike and Virtual PC


Has anyone tried running Counterstrike on Virtual PC? I'm interested to know if the performance is acceptable enough. For my machine, see my sig.
i would highly doubt that it would run very well at all. Just navagating around windows is horrible on my 800mhz g4 iBook.
it might do alright just get a low requirments version of winbloze(probably 98 if you want cs) ive used 98 before just fooling around to see what VPC had to offer and it ran pretty smoothly on my 500Mhz G3 imac w/ 384 ram but cs wouldnt even think of going....but your proc is much faster, more ram and probably more vram(i only have 8 megs) so it may very well work out for you but make sure you stick with 98 dont go any higher it will bog down your system too much. well good luck.
Still, I think you'll have a better time buying Quake 3: Arena and using the Urban Terror mod. It's CS-ish and no VPC needed...of course, you prolly wanna do this cause of the amount of gamers CS has...
Virtual PC 6.1 on my 1.25GHz PowerBook G4 runs about as fast as a 400MHz Pentium II. Which is fine for most normal apps, like Office and IE, etc. But add in the fact that it emulates what, an 8MB graphics card? No hardware acceleration anyhow. Current 3D games aren't even worth trying. It's rumured that VPC 7 is supposed to finally take advantage of the graphics card that you have in your system though, but who knows. I'm actually suprised that the PC version of VPC never bothered to take advantage of what your native hardware was... seems like it would've been easier than emulating a PC on a PC. Mac hardware is a different story though.
Thanks for the replies. Guess I won't be trying out CS when my copy of Virtual PC arrives. Shame...

I think I'll look into Quake III and Urban Terror. But like you said, CS has far more players, which is why I wanted to emulate it on VPC.
why not buy a small peecee for such cases? Shouldn't be much more expensive than your VPC 6.1 copy.. I am sure there are some good offers on ebay
Zammy-Sam said:
why not buy a small peecee for such cases? Shouldn't be much more expensive than your VPC 6.1 copy.. I am sure there are some good offers on ebay

Because there isn't room in my small rented room :)
Halflife runs on my powerbook 867 G4, however it is just horrid, almost playable but still horrid. thats with 768Ram. I just cant wait for vpc that can work on the G5, maby finaly can we shoot some b00ns on cs. ;)
Bah! CS sax with or without VPC! Get a real game like:
Medal of Honor Deluxe
Soldier of Fortune 2
Jedi Academi
Unreal Tournament 2003
America's Army
Aliens VS Predator 2
No one lives forever 2
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Damn it! Get Quake 3 for crying out loud! :rolleyes:

Or get all of the above! :D
