Couple of iPhoto file questions


1. Is there any way to rearrange the order of Albums in the left pane? I've tried every combination of clicking (shift, alt...) and it does not seem to be a feature. If this isn't allowed, this is really inexcusable (to leave the order as when created).

2. How do I share my compete iPhoto files with another user on the same machine?
Sorry Gadget, but I don't know what you mean. I want to rearrange the vertical order of my album folders in the left pane and as far as I can tell, renaming them with numbers does nothing to change their position or order.

For example, say I created a "My dog as a puppy" album and later a "My dog as a teenager" and "My adult dog" albums - seems like it would be nice to have them arranged together and not seperated by all the other folders created in between the time I created each of these.
You are right. I wasn't reading your post properly. I thought you were talking about renaming Folders that you wanted to import in order INTO iPhoto. You are talking about "albums" created IN iPhoto.

Right now there is no convenient way (short of creating new albums in the order you want them to be) that I know of. The next version of iPhoto is going to have more functionality -- like iTunes.
Whew, I thought I was in one of those "I'm missing something incredibly simple or obvious situations." I keep waiting for the old Software update to tell me there is an iPhoto upgrade, but I suppose I will have to wait. Thanks.