Coursey's one week report


mac shaman
Click here to read David Coursey's one week check in on 'going mac'. This could almost have been taken from a thread. i think he is having a very cathartic experience so far. The great thing is that windows users will be reading this!!:D
LOL! I'm gettiing a big kick out of the readers' responses. Here's one:

" Microsoft has been abandoning their customers to attract the MAC users for the last two generations of Windows. Each new Windows OS looks and "works more like a MAC" so that we (Windows kinda guys) now see the MAC as much more 'normal'.

So by trying to capture MAC users Bill has really just created a whole new crop of people ready for an Apple product."

And OS X-haters among Mac users say that it's just trying to imitate Windows!
Anyone check out the poll results? 75% pro mac after this report. I guess the entire x86 community was just waiting for someone from thier side to declare macs cool.
I thought the wording of the poll was rather shady. It didn't ask plainly if you'd switch to a Mac after reading his experiences, it asked if you'd switch because a Windows dominated world doesn't mean much anymore.

Maybe I'm not giving Corsey his fair shake, but from his brown-nosing Windows past, I'd see him using these poll results in a future article about Microsoft not being an evil monopoly because all these people "consider" other platforms.
It seems that all the gripes he's listing are with M$ or other companies, and he merely blames them on OS X, such as support for syncing with M$ office, and the Windows Media Player.
Maybe next week he'll start to realise that the alternatives to M$ may actually be better. A truer test would include abandoning office for AppleWorks, but he makes the rules himself.
i couldn't agree more with you symphonix!! I even tried to post a reply to that effect but their damn server was fucking up. after rewriting it 3 times i gave up!! i was trying to point out that the problem is with the developers and not osx. my reasons "M$ needs to keep some ridiculous reansons for naive consumers to keep buying their os. and real thinks time moves forward when they say it does. why not recomend your viewers switch to Quicktime which is a far superior format - emphasizing quality over monopoly".

and while i am sure he can get apple's best support any time he needs it, i think somebody should invite him to drop by here and see what a good online osx community exists. i would if i could just get their server to let me!!:rolleyes: