Crash Mail2 with IMAP


I cannot get Mail2 working with my provider's IMAP ( in Germany.)

The old prefs and mailboxes were found and importing, Mail2 started etc. There was then a lot of network activity and then the program crashed. Running again, restarting, deleting plist and reconfiguring all did not work - still crashed at about 10 secs after startup. F

inally switched to using POP3 (not a perfect solution) which works correctly.
I also have the same problem with Rebooting doesn't seem to help so it must be a specific imap issue (with ??).

jitterbugboy said:
I cannot get Mail2 working with my provider's IMAP ( in Germany.)

The old prefs and mailboxes were found and importing, Mail2 started etc. There was then a lot of network activity and then the program crashed. Running again, restarting, deleting plist and reconfiguring all did not work - still crashed at about 10 secs after startup. F

inally switched to using POP3 (not a perfect solution) which works correctly.
iMail crashes on my Dual G4 1.42, too. I'm using both POP3 & IMAP accounts.
All messages were imported from the previous version of iMail. Everything goes fine until I click a message... it crashes instantly so that I cannot see anything! Also, I cannot write messages! The workspace for writing messages cannot be accessed by mouse, nor with the TAB key! I can only acces To: Cc: Subject: fields! The Account: drop-down menu is not working! :(
Ok, here's how I solved the problems. Mail2 works great and it's such a powerful application!!!

First of all, *DELETE* any previously installed mail bundles! I've had such plug-ins such notification, autoanswer, PGP etc. Mail2 doesn't work with such preinstalled bundles.

Remove them from your /Applications folder and from /Services also

in /Library/Services

If necessary, kill the processed via Terminal (I had to kill the PGP framework)

Also remove the plist files for any of these bundles in


Good luck!