Creating /network mount points


I keep seeing the suggestion to put things in /Network/Library/etc... but I can't find anywhere that really explains how to create that share.

I want to set up my OS X client to have a /Network/Library/Application Support, ideally then pointing to a Windows share if possible, but I would be fine with pointing to another Mac. If I have to have OS X Server then I guess I can figure that out as well. I have a test OS X Server box, one going live, and plenty of clients I could point to. I could do a p2p PC or Active Directory. ANY help would be more than I have now.

Can anyone help me?

Best Regards,
Jody Gates
@Last Software
Thanks, I had tried Bombich's mounter, but not this one. Unfortunately, as near as I can see, it creates a share, but I don't see how to get it into the /Network structure. Is there another detail that I am missing?
I learned a new thing about OS X yesterday... for whatever reason, the naming convention of "domain" is more than internet domains in OS X terms.


Are all domains.

So I guess my question should be revised to, how to I set up or define domains? Specifically, how to I set up a /Network domain?