CS2 pdf maker crashes with Leopard


I just upgraded to a new iMac with Leopard. I installed Adobe's CS2 suite and tried to convert a powerpoint presentation into a pdf using Adobe's pdf maker. However, the maker freezes when it's about 80% ready, no matter the file size. Anyone else had the same problem? Any advice (apart from the obvious one, ie upgrade to CS3...)? Powerpoint does not crash, neither does Leopard. It's just that the pdf maker is unwilling to cooperate.
I think you can just export to pdf directly from powerpoint. Is this what you are doing?

If not, try that. If you are, print a .ps file from file/print (set the print to 'print to file') and then run that through acrobat or distiller.

Let me know what happens.
Installing CS2 makes a pdf icon to Office applications. I cannot make a pdf from powerpoint directly. With Tiger there was no problem, I just clicked the pdf icon and that's it. Now the bloody thing just freezes; it prints the pages and then tagges them etc but freezes at the very end.

Thank you for the .ps tip. Will try that!