.cshrc trickery, need help


I'm trying to get terminal to greet me with Good Morning, Good Afternoon, and Good Night (even maybe Happy Birthday!). How can I do this? Is it possible. I know it must be some sort of if-then statement, but I don't know much about terminal commands.

Would it have to tell you that upon login or whenever you are connected and it's suddenly afternoon?

Hmmmm. Didn't think about that. My initial thought was to have it greet me upon login. In fact, that's all I really need, now that I think about it.
Add this to your .tcshrc:

set hour = `date '+%H'`

if( $hour < 12 ) then
   echo "Good morning"
else if( $hour < 18 ) then
   echo "Good afternoon"
else if( $hour < 20 ) then
   echo "Good evening"
   echo "Good night"

Season to taste.
Thank you! how does the +%H isolate the hour? I ask so that I can also isolate the date and have it wish me a happy birthday too!
blb, thats freakin' awsome!

Let me now share with you all something blb and I worked on in irc one day...
Its for .bashrc, but I think its tcsh-compatable. Here it is:
alias why="if [ \$RANDOM -gt 16384 ]; then echo 'because'; else echo 'why not'; fi"

What this does is alternate the shell's reply to 'why'. It will say "why not" or "because" based on $RANDOM being odd or even, I think.

If you were a mean *mean* sysadmin, you could alias something like 'ls' to this in everyone's shell init script, just for April Fools :D
Now, I want to make the prompt, and only the prompt, a different color from the rest of the text. Is this possible? I couldn't determine anything from the other color posts. I'm learning though.

Originally posted by kilowatt

If you were a mean *mean* sysadmin, you could alias something like 'ls' to this in everyone's shell init script, just for April Fools :D

BOFHs of the world, UNITE!

Getting a specific date means having a quick look at man strftime which is where the formats are documented; if your birthday is April first, you could do something like

set today = `date '+%m%d'`

if( $today == '0401' ) then
   banner happy birthday

just be sure to use a four digit code to test against $today as each %m and %d return two digit numbers (zero-prefixed if necessary).

Oh, OmniWeb needs a vi-editing mode; I hate hitting Esc and having it just beep at me...
Thank you all very much. My terminal experience has improved! It's very cool to see how immediate the terminal is. I guess that's hard to translate to anyone who doesn't use it.