CSS - cross platform fonts??


play thing
I have seen some nicely styled CSS on the web recently, using fonts such as "Lucida Grande". The text makes a refreshing change from Arial, Verdana, etc.

I no longer have a PC, so I am not able to see which fonts ship with Windows. Obviously, I would like my CSS font set to have a fighting chance of looking similar on both Mac and PC's, so can somebody tell me where I might find a list of fonts that ship with the OS?

does anyone know of a good site that lists all fonts and maybe even in different sizes used by css, kind of like a reference tool so you can just look at what you want your font to look like and see the code for it (ie: size and font )
Well you can always use the lovely fallback of "Lucida Grande, Verdana, Sans-Serif;" as your font-family, so it uses an attractive font where it can, and works its way through the list if it can't.