CUBE will be reintroduced!!!

Maybe - or not. A 20th Anniversary Macintosh (I'm pretty sure they'll have a problem naming it, since the TAM, although for APPLE's 20th, was called just that) would make sense. But don't forget: This will only be unveiled in 2004...
Anniversaries don't seem to be a Steve Jobs-thing. If they were to follow the scheme of the 20th Anniversary Macintosh, which was for celebrating the 20th anniversary for the first personal Computer in 1977 they should've had a 25th anniversary in 2002 ;)
I think the last 20th anniv mac as well as the g4 cube was enough of a flop to stop them from making yet another one like that.

Making a novelty item like that as expensive as they did made the average user shy away from it.

Average users already shy away from them because of the price...then again, they prolly arent looking to make any money on them...

Im just rambling, dont mind also waiting for looprumors panther preview to come out....bastards!
If they waited for a special year, and made the G4's for that year/month extra special, It'd work, but then they wouldn't be that special...
i think, if they did release an updated Cube, i'd buy it .... but it'd have to keep the silence! ... thats one of the key points as 2 why i have mine ... Without it, all you have is a Squashed PowerMac, with little benefit that i can think of... Saying that, if they sold it as a Headless Mac @ a Competitive price (maybe withOUT Keyboard and Mouse too?! ... it lowers the price of the unit down, and is quite decieving, cus u still need those devices (well, most buyers would) ... So yea, if it were priced competitively, i think it could work ... it would have to fall around the price of an iMac or Below tho... and i don't think it could be as fully featured as a PowerMac @ the current time either. It really needs 2 be a way to 'get on the Mac Bandwagon' really ... Cheap access to get you started ... or something?

... i am prolly rambling too :P
Originally posted by Giaguara
A cube with a 970 inside and a few Gs of RAM inside would be hard to resist buying... :rolleyes:

I could. I think it's kind of a dumb case design, if stylish. iMac fine, it's all-in-one. PowerMac you keep the case under the desk or next to it. But the cube it seems you would need to keep on top of the desk. Waste of space IMO.
Quicksilver takes far more space than a cube. And in some cases you can't have your computer on the floor or hidden on a closet.

If it will be quiet i will like it..
i remember seeing this article from apple a while ago which makes ou think that the cube will come back

CUPERTINO, California?July 3, 2001?Apple® today announced that it will suspend production of the Power Mac? G4 Cube indefinitely. The company said there is a small chance it will reintroduce an upgraded model of the unique computer in the future, but that there are no plans to do so at this time.
Check out the whole article here
"CUPERTINO, California—July 3, 2001—Apple® today announced that it will suspend production of the Power Mac™ G4 Cube indefinitely. The company said there is a small chance it will reintroduce an upgraded model of the unique computer in the future, but that there are no plans to do so at this time. "

it seems like what they are saying that it is suspended but not dead.

10 yrs from now, the cube may be the standard of what computer form factors is but right now they are suspended.
I would like to see all computers be like the cube. Well not the cube now; Stuff is way too huge, and Apple did a LOT of work twisting the computer in 18,000 knots to get it to fit. But in the future, when stuff gets smaller, I'd like to see all of them be that size. Or the size of a cable modem.
Originally posted by MikeXpop
I would like to see all computers be like the cube. Well not the cube now; Stuff is way too huge, and Apple did a LOT of work twisting the computer in 18,000 knots to get it to fit. But in the future, when stuff gets smaller, I'd like to see all of them be that size. Or the size of a cable modem.

I dont know if id want every computer to be like that. Part of ther reason why i love the powermac line(or desktops in general) is that i can upgrade it EASILY. I can put a new hard drive in, new vid card, etc. Its just going to be harder if possible with a cube.
if everything was smaller - then you might get the easy access. but yes, perhaps a larger cube or smaller desktop 5 yrs from now that is easily upgradeable.

i saw a awesome teapot in men's health last month's issue. a friggin teapot. they have been around millions of years and some dude invents a kickass teapot. i think there is still more room to grow in PC design and i think there is no question that Apple will do all of it (the other makers will do all the copying).