Custom Alert Sounds in OS X


Does anyone know how to create custom alert sounds under OS X? I used to really enjoy making my own system alert sounds under OS 9 and earlier. You'd go to the "Monitors and Sound" control panel, and record a new alert sound from the audio unput on the Mac. It was fast and easy. Is there a way to do this under OS X?

Also, it would be nice if I could use my old sounds that I created. System alerts used to live in the "System" file under OS 9 and earlier, and they were "sound" files. It looks like under OS X they're .aiff files. I haven't tried since the Public Beta to see if the Sounds preference could actually read sound files, but if it could, then at least I could use my old sounds.
From the looks of their website, Soundstudio might be just what I need. There's even an OS X version, which just rocks.

I'm assuming that sounds work the same way as fonts, in the sense that stuff in the /Library/Sounds folder is available for all users, and stuff in ~/Library/Sounds works only for whichever user it's in the home directory of. :-)