Customizing/Tweaking Mac OS 9...


I'm using OS 9 right now because OS X is abit slow on my Mac, and I'm trying to customize it to give it a OS X feel. I don't want to change all the appearance to look like Aqua, I want to do things like:

- remove the grey rectangles behind icon text.
- increase icon size to something more than 32x32.
- when a window is opened and that you go into a folder, it does'nt open another window, it opens in the same one.
- being able to change all system fonts (well almost) like the apple menubar.
- when a window is maximized, it opens on the whole desktop.

Some kinds of apps like Tinkertool for OSX. Is there a good place to find OS 9 icons?

Pretty sure most of those features are OSX only, but think you can change menubar and icon fonts with the Appearance control panel in OS 9.

If you are feeling a bit adventurous, you might have a go at ResEdit

Anyway, if ever you do want to give OS 9 a nice little interfacelift try Kaleidoscope at

And for OS Xish Kadleidoscope themes,

For a theme to match your iMac,

Sorry to hear your iMac is still so slow.
There is no way to remove the rectangles around Finder names, change icon size larger than 32 pixels (though you might want to look into the Launcher control panel if you enjoy over-sized things), open the content of a folder in the current Finder window, or change window "zoom" behavior. Sorry.

If you want to change the font in the menubar and such, screw around with the "Appearance" Control Panel... there's a Font tab. Go crazygonuts.