D-Link DSL500 Router and Airport


I have a very peculiar problem. I have just purchased a D-Link DSL-500 router and this is connected via an ethernet cable to an Airport Base Station (grey.) The base station then shares the DSL connection to my 2 Mac's - G4 Cube and iBook running 10.2.6. I have set this up so that the DSL-500 serves DHCP to the 2 Mac's and the base station. I can connect to the internet with no problems but anything to do with .Mac is just not accessible - trying to mount an iDisk on my desktop fails and hangs the machine, trying to view my .Mac homepage fails as the page stops loading half way through. I thought this may be a problem with DNS IP's and have experimented by changing the DNS addresses in the router but so far I have had no joy. Any hep with this would be greatly appreciated.
Wow. That's unusual.

Do you have your DSL modem plugged into the router then? What happens if you plug your modem directly into the Base Station?
The DSL line plugs into the router and the router plugs into the Airport base station which shares the connection. The router is the modem.

I should also add that when attempting some downloads, the downloads start at the usual speed of 55 kbps, these then slow gradually over a period of about 10 seconds until they stop completely.
Hmm, my DSL line does that too, but it doesn't actually stop until the download is finished. It'll start really high then taper down, but it doesn't just stop. Is it possible to get a new modem?
I've discovered that there is a firmware update for the D-Link DSL-500 so I'm gonna give that a go.