Damn you, Apple Computer!


and burn
i'm about $2k away from being out of debt. i've worked so very hard on being vigilant, and not buying stuff i don't really need. i cut corners, i look for sales, i buy in bulk. (i have enough ramen to last a few years. who knew you could buy a whole pallette at once?)

and now they release the G5. iSight. iChat AV. Panther.

my lust is barely under control, and i find myself fighting the urge to order my 2.0GHz G5 a few times a day. and what G5 would be complete without the iSight?

must... control... clicking... hand...
Hmm, you have two more months before you can get a G5, iSight is only $149 (:rolleyes:), iChat AV has a free public beta version for you to download, and Panther won't be released for another six months, at least. :(

Oh, and it's Apple now, I think they dropped Computer a few years ago :)
I know the feeling - but my problem is I CANT get myself into debt, no credit cards - I can't seem to get credit so no one will give me a card! And I want all that you mentioned! This is torture! ARGH!!! hehe :)
I just realized that I can afford a PowerMac G5 1.6. Then it dawned on me.....I can't afford a cinema display! I'd rather have a nice 17" iMac than a G5 connected to some crappy 15" CRT display.
Originally posted by Sogni
I know the feeling - but my problem is I CANT get myself into debt, no credit cards - I can't seem to get credit so no one will give me a card! And I want all that you mentioned! This is torture! ARGH!!! hehe :)

the plastic isn't always better or good. i'd prefer no credit card for me! damn those bills.
I'd love to order one, but I wouldn't buy the first generation of the G5. I'll wait till they release the second generation, fewer bugs.