DAP shortcut won't delete


I recently followed the advice of a friend and downloaded DAP (Download accelerate processor?) for the downloading of movies, mp3 etc. I deleted the program but I'm stuck with a pesky shortcut ("DapPipe") which freezes the computer anytime I want to delete or move it. I'm not very computer savvy so I'm not quite sure what I should do. It's not taking up a lot of space, but when I have the list view up for my applications folder, the computer will lock up by my merely scrolling over the shortcut.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
assuming a few things:
- program name is "DapPipe"
- it's truly a carbon or coco app
- it's located in /Applications/DapPipe

If any of those are different, then change them with the true varialbes.

open Terminal. (located in /Applications/Utilities/Terminal)
sudo  rm -rf /Applications/DapPipe

at the command prompt. (usually a $ or % depending on shell)
it will ask you for the admin password. this is the password of an administrator account. (assuming that you're signed in as an administrator)