Das Keyboard


I purchased a "Das Keyboard II" without thinking to far ahead. I have two problems with it.

1) I use it with my laptop so I plug it in often. Everytime I do, the system asks me to hit two keys so it can identify the type of keyboard it is. Is there some way I can teach the laptop how to figure this out on its own?

2) The comand and option keys are flipped. I can flip them in System Preferences but I would need to flip them back and forth when I switch keyboards. Not terrible but it would be nicer if the system could just know that this keyboard is flipped or if I could come up with some Applescript (or Python) scripts to flip it back and forth so it would just be quicker. My problem with AppleScript is it takes me forever to find the little thingy that I want to flip or use.

Anyone have any help with either one of these problems?
