dashboard/'desktop' screen corner glitch - please help!


hi there,
for a while now i've had this annoying glitch, and i was hoping someone here might have some ideas as to how to get rid of it (besides reinstalling mac osx, which is a last resort really). I only got my ibook a few months ago (if that makes any difference, i doubt it).
if this is in the wrong forum then can someone either move it or tell me where to repost, thanks.

here's the problem:
i have my bottom right hand 'screen corner' set to desktop.
it works fine, until...
if i have a page up (e.g. a safari page, or iphoto or something) and then go to dashboard; i then drag the mouse to the bottom right hand corner to go to desktop, and the desktop screen corner starts to behave badly - initially it does what it's supposed to, and drags the pages away, but then after a second or two they flash back onto the screen. this keeps happening every time i go to the corner, so the only way to look at desktop (for more than a second) is to minimise all my pages.
so basically:
1. i have a page up
2. i go to dashboard
3. i move the mouse to the screen corner for 'desktop'
4. the pages disappear for a second or two and then spring back.

it does not happen if i click somewhere on dashboard to get back to desktop rather than dragging to the screen corner.

i've tried changing it to a different screen corner, which makes no difference.

the guy in the apple shop tried doing something where he typed in 'killall dock' in some command line 'cause he thought the dock was misbehaving, but that did no good either.

i've just tried doing applications -> utilities -> disk utility -> repair disk permissions (which this book i bought, 'the missing manual', recommended i do) but that did nothing either.

this has turned into a bit of an essay, sorry :rolleyes: , i just wanted to give all the details!

thanks for any help whatsoever. i wonder if anyone else has this same problem?
Hmm... odd.. I will have to try that when I get a chance.. but why not just mouse click on 'free space' in dashboard? or hit the ESC key?
bump again (for the last time, i promise).

has anyone got any ideas on this? anything less extreme than reinstalling mac osx and i'm willing to give it a go!

thanks for any help.
oooh right, well....

i just deleted all the widgets from my dashboard and moved them to the trash, and it seems to be fine now! :D

can someone just tell me, if you have a screen corner as 'desktop' and you use it, should there still be like a dark border around it when you go to desktop, or should that disappear?
I can reproduce this on my machine as well. 10.4.4 - I set the left corner for Dashboard - then set the right corner for desktop.

I open Firefox - then left corner and dashboard comes up. THen, I mouse to right corner and the Firefox page disappears.

So, I am going to use the click or ESC method to get back to desktop instead of the mouse over the corner. Sounds like a bug to me - but the work around is easy enough - for me.
if i'm on dashboard and i press ESC should it go to desktop? 'cause that doesn't work for me.
and also should pressing F12 while on anything take me to dashboard? 'cause that doesn't work either, even though it is set as a shortcut. the other 3 shortcuts work ok though. :-/
Wow- that is odd. CHeck your keyboard settings? Is ESC/F12 taken for anything else? DO you have any automated macro stuff running associated with key strokes? Is the accessibility function 'on'?

It does sounds like a bug to me.....
errr, well i don't think i have "any automated macro stuff running associated with key strokes", would i know about it if i did? i certainly haven't set anything.

it doesn't look like there's anything else taking F12 or ESC. i'm not too sure how to tell. i looked on system prefs -> keyboard and mouse -> keyboard shortcuts but other than dashboard there didn't seem to be anything else taking f12. what does the ^ in ^f7 or whatever mean anyhoo?
i have a faint recollection that f12 used to work for dashboard. not 100% sure though.

what's the accessibility function?

and i thought i'd solved the problem, lol. do you think i should reinstall? i mean i only recently got my ibook and i want everything to work properly on it, and if that means reinstalling then i guess i'll have to.

thanks for all the help btw.

edit: i just found the 'let the f1-12 buttons control the software' or something and now f12 works for dashboard. the ESC key still doesn't get me off it though.
the carrot ^ is the option key..

So, go back under the sys prefs -> Expose/Dashboard --> and take a look at your keys. They should be just F9/F10/F11/F12.. without any special characters.
Also, on the iBook, f12 is also the eject button. you have to hold down the fn key at the bottom left of the keyboard while you press the f12 button for dashboard to come up.

And for the earlier question, yes when you go to desktop in expose, you should get the dark band around the edge of the screen, which should go away when you either hit your hot corner, or click on the dark band.
UpQuark77 said:
the carrot ^ is the option key..

the carat ^ is actually the Control key. You can see the symbol for Option if you click on your Safari Menu and look at the shortcut next to "Empty Cache" (option + command + E)
ra3ndy said:
And for the earlier question, yes when you go to desktop in expose, you should get the dark band around the edge of the screen, which should go away when you either hit your hot corner, or click on the dark band.

i'm still not too sure whether the dark band staying there is a fault or not.

say i have some pages up.
i go into my bottom right hand screen corner (which is desktop)
it takes me to desktop, with the dark band around the side.
if i press on the dark band, it brings the pages back up.
if i go into the corner again, it brings the pages back up.

is this supposed to happen?

sorry for all my dumb questions, i'm pretty new to macs.