dazed and confused .xinitrc, .tcshrc, or any .*rc


in my ~/ I have these files:

My question is: what is what? I (think I) know that .tcshrc sets the preferences for Terminal.app, and .xinitrc sets the preferences for X11's terminal . . .

My .tcsh is set to "source /usr/share/tcsh/examples/rc" thanks to a tip from macoshints.com. but what is the file "/usr/share/tcsh/examples/rc" doing for me? should I roll my own?

there are also .*rc files in ~/Library/init/tcsh/ and /etc (i think) what are those doing for me?

also, a lot of people talk about their .cshrc, why do you use csh instead of the default tcsh?

I do not want to start a flame war, but is tcsh the best to use since it is the Apple default?