Dear God! someone help me please!!!!!!!


I have g4 imac 17 " connected to epson stylus photo 1290 printer. I have two assignments to hand in tomorrow morning (thats 10 hours time) and the bloody printer isn't working properly!!! :mad:
Everything prints perfectly except for the bottom 4 lines.....the head justs skips when it gets within 1 3/4" from the bottom. I have printed stuff for two years now, always the same, no probs and now this! And I'm in big freaken trouble if i don't get it done! Please if anyone can help I'd be eternally grateful. I have already done nozzle check and alignment. Please help!!!!!
How about just changing the bottom margin so it doesn't print that far down? Perhaps you can explain the prob you had with the prof. Or perhaps you can print it out at work/school the next day before you have to turn it in. Or you could ask a friend.
My assignment has to match exact criteria and that includes margins ..even the font has to be times new roman. I also live in the sticks and the college computers don't even have cd-r!

I think I'll have to try and email it and just hopethat it works and I can get to college (it's 50 miles away), and print it out in the library before hand in at 9am...I wanna cry :( ,but thanks for your help diablo jota
This is a bit of an odd suggestion, but you could flip the page upside down and try that, as printers are able to work closer to the top of the page than the bottom.
I just tried this and it gets your text a lot closer to the bottom of the page, but it will be hard to get the distance from the bottom of your page to the text to an accurate set amount. It may not solve your problem, but its maybe worth having a go on one page to test it.

Print your document as a pdf file (in most programs, go to file>print, then from the dialogue box hit "save as pdf").
Open the resulting pdf file in Preview, and press apple-R (or View Rotate Right) twice, then print the document.

hope this helps
cheers for the try ora! sadly the damn printer isn't dumb enough to be fooled!argghhhhhhh!!!!!!!
if I send a saved pdf file to my college email, will i be able to open it and print it at college without any problems do you know?? i did it once, but as a .cwk file and of course all the punctuation was weird as they use windows at college....maybe save as .doc????? and email?
I hate printers and pcs!!!!
I would email a .doc and a .pdf version for safety. Both should print on a pc. Ideally print from the .doc version as its probably easier (and faster to print).
If the formating is dodgy on the .doc version at college then print from the pdf- which believe is generated from a printer output and so should have the exact same formating as it did on your screen, and will deal with any images you have put in the file much better than word.

Good luck :)
Just going to suggest the usual catch all solutions,
1. Zap the PRAM by holding down the Option, Apple, P and R keys. Make sure you hear the machine start twice. This holds some settings that may be causing a problem.
2. repair permissions by starting up from your CD rom system restore and using the disk utility to repair permissions on the OSX disk
3. Remove the printer driver and preferences and re-install.

Hope one of these works
If you have a Kinko's anywhere in the area, they could print it for you too.

And here's another wacky thought: Maybe the problem is with Word. Try exporting the doc to a PDF & print it from either Adobe Reader or Preview.

Edit: I see this has already been suggested. Great minds think alike I guess...
Yep!!! and thank you! as i lay wailing on the floor, non-techno guapaboy, who can't even work the video came and turned everything off, disconnected everything and then reconnected and turned it all on, printed my assignments out and made me a cup of tea! My hero!
I'd just like to thank you all for your help and apologise for the melodramatic thread title. I'm very sorry to all those people who thought that I was in a scarey house with an axe weilding maniac outside and this forum as my only means of communication. The sad truth is, is that I'm a technologically inept bint with a strong steak of drama. Sorry
No one suggested this, but have you tried cleaning the heads on that epson with it's epson utility? :) Might do the trick.