Deleting a post...


I just posted something to the "problem with PowerMac sales" thread. Well on further reveiw came to the conclusion that it adds nothing to the conversation. Well I went to delete the post, but it says I don't have access to the page, what gives? Do these boards not allow users to delete their own posts? If this is the case, is there any peticular reason?
People have abused the delete post option in the past.

If you want your post removed, just edit to say delete me or something similar and a mod should remove it.
Well, because people can start informitive threads which many people may reply to and want to come back to. The person can delete their post and all that information is gone.

Some people have done this if when they didn't agree with site policy so they started removing all their posts.
people also tend to do this when all the replies to their post aren't positive. at least if the post remains marked and shows it was edited, the credibility of those who reply afterwards is not damaged. as it is, you have 7 days to edit a post which seems more than long enough.
In my opinion, its their perogative to delete THEIR posts, but then again, it is also the admin of this sites perogative to not allow them, so what ever... its the admins bandwidth and hardware space thats its chewing up, not mine.. I would actually thank people for deleting large threads!!

Another complaint I have... someone changed several of sections in my profile. I can only assume this to be an admins doing, why?

Yes I use a PC, but only because Mac HARDWARE is inferior, OS X is by far the best Operating System in the world (on paper). I simply wish to see OS X Marklar be released.

I will never buy Apple hardware, but as far as I can tell, this site isn't about hardware in paticular, its about OS X...
I am sure Ed can verify this. No one in administration would change your profile. There is no reason to.

Note down those changes you have noticed and send a private message to Ed. Let him check into it. It could be just a glich in the system that needs correcting.