design for website project


can i just get some feedback on to what you peopel think of this website im making "so far" and what i should possibly change/ do diff
Think about your market. What kind of clothing? Right now the logo looks high end but the site looks urban.
it is rather urban... its a rollerblade clothing company/ rollerblade movie company that someone asked me to make a site for. the team ranges from 15-18 soo i was looking for something that would be cool to someone with in that age range
Overall, good work. Here's a few things to think about:

A) Font choice. The logo is a more elegant, refined style, while the nav font looks like it's been less considered. Maybe a more trendy, sans-serif choice would benefit the design, as the contrast between the two would lend interest.

B) The +'s and bracketts in the nav suggest a more 'techie' feel, which suggests a product other than apparel. Rollerblade is more aggressive: speed, wipeouts, scratched/worn equipment, etc... The marks on the left capture the lifestyle of it well, so I wonder what could be done to the main navigation to show the same level of refinement?

Check out some inspiration:

It helps me to see what's out there sometimes -helps get the wheels turning...

Again, you're off to a great start.


thanks for the suggestions.. the font is that one cuz the costumer is sending me the font he wishes to use for it... i will post a final image when im done
Another aspect you may want to look at is how the entire website flows and makes your eye move, like looking at a piece of artwork. The idea is flowing except for the large watermark right in the center of the screen. It just does not connect the flowery font with the more impacting, trendy graphics on the left. You could possibly create a watermark that wasn't so centered and would combine both the refined and trendy elements of the website.

I don't see a problem with the more "techie" +'s and brackets. I've seen those elements in other graphics for extreme sports, and they fit because it is of course a website, and is being viewed on a computer. I completely agree, however, that you could add some more "urban" feel with speed, scratches, etc.