Desktop G4 volume control

Carole F

I use my 17"Powerbookg4 almost exclusively now (lots of wires running out of it to everything!) but my 7 year old gets to use the g4 next to me here for her stuff and the volume is driving me crazy. No where on the tower, or keyboard is there anything to turn down the volume. Once the game is going there doesn't seem to be any screen controls. Does anyone know of how the volume is controlled? I'm betting that once she's off the screen, I could go into the harddrive or control panel to do this...but any place else?

The new keyboards have volume control keys.. other than that, you can look for sound controls in the game, use external speakers, or apple-tab or apple-h to temporarily get out of the game and adjust volume.
thanks Eric. Unfortunately, this older keyboard (came with the G4 -same gray/clear design) didn't respond to your directions so yes, figured the external speakers and onscreen would be alternatives. I have the JBL's hooked up to MY laptop (why not!) so its just the annoying tower making all the noise. While waiting for help, I did find an old pair of headphones that's doing the trick. Otherwise, I was fit to be tied trying to do my photo editing next to this! Will just have to look into a new keyboard next I guess..hard to imagine a kid this sweet-looking would be annoying, huh! (she rescued a mouse from my kitten yesterday so had to grab this shot). Back to work..thx again
disregard the 'mouse' reference; looks like my attempt to attach an image didn't go anywhere. thx for your help. Bet this forum (just joined) will be a huge help in the future. Hate having no one to turn to for even the dumb stuff.
aha...maybe this worked. Not that its relevant to anything except the fact I'm an obsessive photographer when I'm not glued to my computers 24/7.


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