diablo 2 installation help..?


hey guys
new mac switcher here. Im trying to install diablo 2 but it doesnt seem to do it.it looks for classic-i dont think i have this installed.. is this the same as os 9? please educate me.
Do i have to buy classic?
any help much appreciated
Diablo 2 needs to be installed in either classic or OS 9. So if you are running OS X, and only OS X then you are pretty screwed as far as I know. Diablo 2 will run in OS X, but only once it's installed in OS 9 and you download the patch to make it OS X compatible. What OS are you running 9, 10.2 or 10.3 ?
Classic is pretty much OS 9 running under OS X. So just say you're in OS X and you need to run photoshop which you only have the OS 9 version of, what happens is Classic/OS 9 boots up and you can then run your photoshop.

So in answer to your question OS 9.
When I was using Jaguar, OS 9 was available on one of the CDs. Check the Panther CDs. OS 9 might be on one of them.