Dial up 56k modem does not work after panther upgrade


Hi all.

I upgraded my G4 to 10.3 panther yesterday, and I am having a hard time connecting to the internet. I tried more than 30 times, and I was able to connect only once. My modem an USB Zoom 56K, was working very well with 10.2 but with 10.3 I am having a lot of problems.

I had to connect and disconnec the modem, disconnect and reconnect clables, create new connections. It almost never work.

When I turn on my computer and try to connect to the internet, it starts with the message "connecting", but no dial sound, and it stops saying that there is a setting problem, after trying several times, it does not recognize the modem.

The apple internal modem died more than 2 years ago and I replaced it with an external one.

Any idea aobout this king of problem.
Hi all

I was using the wrong driver. Hrre is the answer I got from the technical service:
The information you sent indicates you are using the The Zoom V series modem script this is not correct you should be using the Zoom Universal 115k script is this in your list? If not you will need to copy the script from the CD. If you do not have the CD then check below otherwise please follow the steps
1.Open the CD Look for and Open "Non Power Mac users only"
2.Open the Zoom Universal CCLs folder
3.Drag the Zoom Universal 115k file the modem scripts folder on your hard drive found under HD---Library---Modem scripts reboot after copy and the correct script should appear on the modem tab of Network System properties.

Confirm that you have put a copy of the Zoom Universal (115k) CCL in the
MODEM SCRIPTS folder in the LIBRARY folder in the Mac OS X hard drive. This
script is on the Installer CD that came with the modem. It is also available
as a free download from our website:
http://www.zoom.com/files/dial_up/Zoom-Universal-CCLs.bin (StuffIt Expander
is required to extract).

Hope it helps