dial-up times out during downloads


I'm new here and forgive me if this has been brought up before...

The dial-up connection to the Internet lasts about a half an hour before a dialog box comes up asking me if I want to stay connected.

If I'm not in the room at the time (and there's no audio associated with this dialog box...) it will close my connection REGARDLESS of what's going on.

It's impossible to download any file of any size through my 56kbs connection because the thing decides to "ask me" if it should still be sucking this stuff through the pipe.

I have found no way to turn this unwanted "feature" off. Can anyone help?

Thank you
Don Wrege
Boulder, CO
There are ways around this, but we need to know about your setup first. What kind of computer are you using? What is your predominant OS? How much are you willing to spend to fix this problem?
How much am I willing to pay to fix this problem? That's a joke right? I paid $129 to GET this problem.

G4 silver Powermac (cheesegrater) running OS 10.2.4

Apple menu>System Preferences.
Show>Internal Modem.
PPP Options.
Uncheck "Prompt every 30 minutes to maintain connection."
Be happy.