Did you guys read this?


This article: http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=421&page=all has been on /. and mac slash so if you're a web surfer like me you've probably seen this.

However, I thought I'd link to it here just in case you guys haven't seen it. It makes some interesting comments about long time mac users that don't want to use OSX and it sums up my feelings about Linux too.

Anyway, it's a nicely written article that's probably worth your time.
wow that is one loooong article :p
I read abou 3/4 of it lol.
Linux is definatelly a pain in the bum, but hey, I dont use it for productivity, its more like the weekend project he he ;)

I wish BeOS would be FULLY open sourced though. I LOVE that OS :D
