Did your favorite magazine fail to detail Tiger correctly?


Further to the quite annoying Tiger migration, I have asked myself why did those magazines that I buy monthly not test Tiger with a little more attention. Did they actually do anyhting more than re-phrase official Apple press releases?

So I went back and re-read the Tiger articles and compared their sayings with my personal experience and what I read others have been through on forums.

None of my (now not so) favorite magazines reported any serious, minor or otherwise inconveniancing problem.

Can anyone name a magazine that ACTUALLY DID THEIR HOMEWORK and reported truthfully on their Tiger tests?
Just for the record, I have great difficulty understanding why none of my magazines did not notice that Spotlight does not consider .PHP textedit files. :mad:
I stopped giving the magazines (printed ones) any credit for anything long ago. They are always late to the party, and usually are less than thorough.

In the meantime, we can easily find what we want immediately online and its almost always more accurate as they correct edit etc.

Given the hype behind Tiger, you are right, it seems that the reviewers should have given more time, and more importantly, more thought towards the issues they may or may not have noticed.

.php aren't text files! they are magic fairy's blogs and therefore are not readable by a text editor! ;)
as soon as i've got the brief i'm working on out of the way, i'm going back to panther. it's the mst stable OS i've ever used
What I find interesting is that at the time of the release date all the magazines went to press in total favour of Tiger, this amuses me because at the time nobody had copies to even try out the new OS, so yes they were basically using the apple press release and tarting it up a little bit. The new issues (for example Mac Format out on 1st June) will have proper reviews.
This makes me wonder when would anyone at the magazines actually get the final build to try out for themselves.Don't forget about the lead time to when they finally publish to.
markceltic said:
Don't forget about the lead time to when they finally publish to.

I do sympatise but there was nothing preventing the authors from stating their limited access to the software.
Honestly, I personally think this is really looking for excuses more than anything else.