I'd rather be fishin'
Ok - I have been a very loyal Mac fan and user for many years, weathering many ups and downs. But I am now about to loose my patience with Apple and OS X....
Under OS 9, my Fuji FinePix 1400 mounted on the desktop just fine. All I had to do was drag and drop the .jpg files to my hd to use them - pretty easy.
Then I finally loaded X (10.1) when it came out and wow! plug my camera in and Image Capture launches and akutomatically downloads my pictures just fine. I really liked that!
OS 10.1.1 update comes along - all still working just fine and dandy....
10.1.2 update - suddenly my camera is no longer supported. Apple system profiler correctly identifies it, but the camera no longer mounts on the desktop and Image Capture no longer "sees" the camera. To top it off, the Microtech SmartMedia reader I just purchased works fine for one day with their new drivers - until I update the OS to 10.1.2 - then it's dead as well.
So now, I am no longer able to download my pictures from my camera. I have not yet tried by booting into 9.2.1 - but I shouldn't have to.
I just took a look at the iPhoto page regarding camera compatibility - and would you believe my camera is not listed? Of course not.
I have replaced nearly all of my external hardware for compatibility with OS X in just the last few months:
Printer -my Epson 850 was not and isn't planned to be supported under X
Scanner - My UMAX was a piece of junk anyway, but would not work at all under X (again, no planned driver - and didn't work worth a flip in Classic)
CD burner - my original burner wasn't recognized under X(Yamaha 8424 S was scsi - my Orange Micro card is still not supported under X).
What's really strange is OS X still recognizes my Teac external floppy drive!
Now am I to have to buy a new camera as well, just to be able to do what I was able to do before the latest 10.1.2 update?
I am afraid I am getting close to the end of my rope with Apple. I just wish I could stand to use Windows - ouch....
PowerMacintosh G4 AGP
1.1GB ram
OS X(10.1.2)
Under OS 9, my Fuji FinePix 1400 mounted on the desktop just fine. All I had to do was drag and drop the .jpg files to my hd to use them - pretty easy.
Then I finally loaded X (10.1) when it came out and wow! plug my camera in and Image Capture launches and akutomatically downloads my pictures just fine. I really liked that!
OS 10.1.1 update comes along - all still working just fine and dandy....
10.1.2 update - suddenly my camera is no longer supported. Apple system profiler correctly identifies it, but the camera no longer mounts on the desktop and Image Capture no longer "sees" the camera. To top it off, the Microtech SmartMedia reader I just purchased works fine for one day with their new drivers - until I update the OS to 10.1.2 - then it's dead as well.
So now, I am no longer able to download my pictures from my camera. I have not yet tried by booting into 9.2.1 - but I shouldn't have to.
I just took a look at the iPhoto page regarding camera compatibility - and would you believe my camera is not listed? Of course not.
I have replaced nearly all of my external hardware for compatibility with OS X in just the last few months:
Printer -my Epson 850 was not and isn't planned to be supported under X
Scanner - My UMAX was a piece of junk anyway, but would not work at all under X (again, no planned driver - and didn't work worth a flip in Classic)
CD burner - my original burner wasn't recognized under X(Yamaha 8424 S was scsi - my Orange Micro card is still not supported under X).
What's really strange is OS X still recognizes my Teac external floppy drive!
Now am I to have to buy a new camera as well, just to be able to do what I was able to do before the latest 10.1.2 update?
I am afraid I am getting close to the end of my rope with Apple. I just wish I could stand to use Windows - ouch....
PowerMacintosh G4 AGP
1.1GB ram
OS X(10.1.2)