Disappointed with Apple's MPEG-2 QuickTime component


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Since I do so much video conversion (I love my Formac Studio now) I thought I should fork over the $20 and get Apple's MPEG-2 playback component. Big mistake. I wonder if I can return downloaded software?

- Doesn't play back audio at all. I saw on the Apple site that I couldn't export audio to other formats, but I hoped I could at least play it.

- Often only plays the first minute of VOB files. The only VOB files that it recognizes correctly (well, thatI've gotten it to read correctly) are iDVD VOBs. Other unencrypted (i.e. non-Hollywood) VOBs only show a minute or so of footage.

So what's it good for? Playing back or exporting video-only from the first minute of a VOB. Gee, that's worth twenty bucks. Just get Video Lan Client.

Don't even get me started on that lousy MP4 codec that I was hoping to use for exporting VOBs. It's worse than Toast's MPEG1 for Video CD codec!

Just my two cents...I'm curious if anyone else has had success or not with the MPEG-2 playback component.
