Disk image of 10.1 can't be used?

Well, I'm stumped. I downloaded the disk image of 10.1 last night, used Toast to burn a CD and it seems to be OK, but when the installer runs it tells me that it cannot be selected as a startup disk. I have tried starting up from CD (ie., holding down the C key), mounting the disk image on the desktop without the CD, starting up from my 10.0.3 disk with the upgrade CD in a USB CD drive, etc. I feel like I'm missing something very obvious but damned if I know what it is. Any help would be appreciated. I have tried this on both my 333 mHz iMac and my iceBook.
Did you happen to download this from the net?

I made the mistake of doing that yesterday only to find that the CD was hacked to make the creation dates look like it was 10.1 final when in reality it was 5G64. What ever they did to make it look like Final killed the disk. Probably too technical on the unix side for me to understand. All I know is that it is showing up as 5G64 when I put it in classic and is greyed out in the Startup Disk CP. I can only selected to boot from CD on MacOS X but gives kernel panics when it tries to put from the cd.

Watch out for those fakes going around.

However, if you did get this from apple, then maybe perhaps we should explore this because the same thing happened to me. The only thing I wondered was if it was the new RAM I installed or that my Firewire CDRW was plugged in... I do not know.

I am still obsessing about getting a copy of 10.1 so I can try it. I haven't had time to see why that disk wouldn't work on my machine.

PowerMac G4/400 Gigabit
ATI Radeon
576 Mbs RAM
External Sony Espressa FW CDRW (12x8x32)
40 GB Maxtor HD
8 GB Maxtor HD

No, it was downloaded from this very site, so I assume it can be trusted as a valid image. But I discovered from reading another thread that you can't mount a disc image before burning the CD, and my Stuffit prefs are set to automatically mount disc images after expanding them. I'm burning a new version of the CD now and will report back later as to how it did.
You can't "drag & drop" items from the image to the CD and burn it, you must burn the "image" itself for it too work. In addition, we only endorsed the image on FTP Site 1. If you got it from 2 or 3, they were 3rd party offerings.

I realize that I have to burn the whole image, Admin, thanks. I assume you can drag the image itself to the Toast window in that mode? The complaint I basically seem to be getting is that it can't be used as a startup disk but I don't see any "make bootable" option in that section of Toast Titanium. Should I be using TT for X perhaps?

I did use FTP site 2 unfortunately, so perhaps that accounts for it. I don't suppose there will be an opportunity to d/l from Site 1 again anytime soon? :D
Originally posted by superiorstudio
No, it was downloaded from this very site, so I assume it can be trusted as a valid image. But I discovered from reading another thread that you can't mount a disc image before burning the CD, and my Stuffit prefs are set to automatically mount disc images after expanding them. I'm burning a new version of the CD now and will report back later as to how it did.

Ooops im sorry. At the time that I wrote that I was unaware that MacOSX.com was going to be mirroring the 10.1 update. This definately came from a 3rd party from a Carracho server. I Should have made that clearer in my previous post.

I only meant to do a general Public Service Announcement to those who may be foolish enough to try and find it off a hotline server like I was. Be CAREFUL. You may get burned.

that's all :-)
