Dnetc. Join the mac team.


Go to Distributed.net, download the client, set it up, and join team xlr8yourmac. Currently, we're coming 9th overall and about to take over another team as can be seen at the stats. If you've got issues knowing how to set anything up, just post here. As an added incentive, if you find the "key" then you get a cash prize. Also, feel free to work for mmmdreg@ownmail.net :P if you don't want to wait for a password to be delivered. If you have no idea what I'm one about, dnetc is a distributed client that runs on your idle processor, similar to folding@home. It runs in the terminal and can be silented so you don't have to manage it at all.
Hmmm, that looks like fun!
I'm downloading it! :)
We'll see though, I never really caught onto SETI@HOME either....
They still use 603 processors for ultra-high-end workstations...

See, there's your justification for the Mhz Myth: actual numbers. The G4 is by far the most powerful processor per clock cycle in the world; proof: that screenshot.
1st team will get a cash price? how much is it? how often is it given? once a week/month/year? how many $ would it be per user? and what is this distributed.net calcolating or doing on the processing of your mac exactly?
As per here, the prize money distribution is:
The individual who finds the key-US$1,000
The winning individual's team-US$1,000
Free Software Foundation-US$2,000

As for joining a team, after you have returned one unit, go to the stats page and click on "edit your info" or something. You will get a password if you're a first timer. Then click on the top teams overall, locate xlr8yourmac in the top 10, click on the link, scroll down a tad and theres a link saying "I want to join this team". Click on it. Done.

As for what the program does, it does various different projects like OGR, RC5-72 etc. Configure your client only to run RC5-72 as the others are pointless. Essentially, what the thing is doing and why can be seen at their FAQ of all places...hmm.

Finally, HERE is the xlr8yourmac's own page at macnn. There is more detail here for each user than the official place. Click on the numbers next to each name to see graphs and more details.
But make sure you read that page all the way through. That isn't actually the way it works.
$,6000 will go to a non-profit of the participant's choice.
$1,000 will go to the individual who finds the key
$1,000 will go to the winning individual's team
and $2,000 will go to Distributed.net.
The reason Distributed.net is getting $6,000 is because they were selected as the non-profit. Therefor the $2,000 they were supposed to get goes to the runner-up non-profit. Make sense?
Come on. That was a pretty poor response. I just installed it on the music lab at school which has quite a number of 800MHz PIII's. Their crunch rate is a tad over 1million keys/sec. Pretty poor considering thats the same as my 600MHz G3 iMac. But then, I acquired a new 1GHz eMac the other day and with the altivec happening, a whopping 8million keys/sec. Pure performance. Now if some of you with dual P's started up, we could really get somewhere.
yep. Or rather, your login is the email you set up on startup. And you apply to get your password sent after you've sent a unit back to the server.