DNS resolution over VPN not working


The following is my environment:

Server Operating System: Windows 2003 Small Business Server with SP1
Client Operating System: Mac OS X Tiger (10.4.3) with all the latest updates as of posting date.
VPN Server is Microsoft's PPTP server and VPN service works well.

Scenario 1: In Internet Connect application -> Connect menu -> Options ->
Send all traffic over VPN connection is enabled (checked)
System Profiler DOES show DNS server as (as it should)
and /etc/resolv.conf DOES contain

Scenario 2: In Internet Connect application -> Connect menu -> Options ->
Send all traffic over VPN connection is disabled (unchecked)
System Profiler DOES show DNS server as (as it should)
and /etc/resolv.conf does NOT contain

My Tiger OS does _not_ use the VPN-provided DNS server in Scenario 2, but it does in Scenario 1.

For example, the Small Business Server has a domain such as companyname.local with various servers including asterisk.companyname.local.

In scenario 1 above, the following will resolve in a terminal window just fine:

host asterisk
host asterisk.companyname.local

Since I work with several VPNs at the same time, I require Scenario 1 to work and I just cannot find a workaround to make all my VPNs work simultaneously. Seems to me it is a bug in the way the "Send all my traffic over VPN" switch works. Even if I choose not to have all my traffic go over a particular VPN connection, I still want name resolutions to work for each private network that I am connected to.

Any ideas or suggestions?
