DNS Setup


I'm cool, I have a mac.
So far I have a server set up with Mac OS 10.5.8 Server. It has Open Directory running and everything else needed to have users and groups locally. However, I would like to go further than locally and set it up to connect with my domain that I have registered with GoDaddy.

Thus my question is, how do I set up my DNS settings to work with my domain name that is registered with GoDaddy? I have been able to set up the DNS to where it can recognize the domain on the local network, but not on the web. Also a problem already, the web server only shows up if I type in server.example.com and not example.com.

If anybody could give me a walkthrough to setting this up, that would be great.

My domain name is registered with GoDaddy.
My ISP is AT&T.
I am running 10.5.8 Server (if you only know how to work it on 10.6, then that is ok too because I am upgrading to that soon).
I want my server to be in full control of the domain.