DNS suffix..


hi.. our company utilise a network render managment application for
CGI. the application is licensed by a linux machine and every client machine
connects to it to make sure they are a member of the host list, have a valid license etc. however.. from our mac's ,i cant ping the linux machine without typing the dns-suffix..which also means the application doesnt work on mac..

without suffix >
ping: cannot resolve [hostname]: Unknown host

is there anyway to tell the mac that : thisis.drivingmemad.com = thisis

or..you know, = thisis
or anything to get rid of the suffix ..btw pinging without suffix off course works great on pc's >(

some help in laymens terms please.. im just a 3d-guy..

Login to the Mac as root and edit the /etc/hosts file with the entries that you need as follows :

ip_address fully_qualified_domain_name host_name

for each machine you need to access. This should resolve DNS lookup problems.
okey.. so i have my macs running and connecting to the license server fine now.. next roadbump.. when we say "ok, im ready to render my stuff with the distr. render manager" ..all the files needed goes to the same place on our file server and the app reads every thing from there and throws tasks out to available render clients..to get everything to work cross-platform you're recommended to use UNC paths and on unix-systems, do a symbolic link..
ok.. fine.. logged in as root i try to mount_smbfs our file server so i can do the symbolic link.. but all i get is the "bla bla spnego blob2principal bla bla : permission denied" thing.. ..i surfed around a bit and found the reason to this err.msg being : our samba-server is to old and theres something about encrypted passwords that isnt working or something along these lines..but no real solution to this..
people seem to have had real trouble with this but now one provided any solution.. except to add something to the smb.conf ([default]minauth=none) which didnt work.. does anyone know what im talking about..? is there a fix to this.. btw:this relates to OSXtiger..we have 10.4.3