DNSUpdate/EasyDNS Problem



Forgive me but I am a newbie at all things networking related. A month ago I signed up for an easyDNS account so that I could set up my domain name www.janaballard.com on my Mac. I then downloaded DNSUpdate and set it up to handle the fact that I do not have a static IP address. It worked for a while. I was able to hit http://www.janaballard.com and it pointed to my webroot.

Then I took my computer to school with me and used their wireless network for a while. Then I brought it back home. Now I cannot get http://www.janaballard.com to resolve. I didn't change anything. I quit and restarted the DNSUpdate daemon thinking that was the problem... no joy. I restarted my computer... nothing... I ping'd www.janaballard.com and got back the ip address of my school's network not my home network (I thought this was really weird). I did a "lookupd -flushcache" -- thinking that somewhere the school IP address/DNS info was cached on my machine -- and that didn't work.

Since I really don't completely understand this stuff I'm not sure what I should do next. Can anyone help me?

Thank you!