Do I need Firewall?


Turning Firewall on makes FTP and sending files via iChat impossible. Can I turn off Firewall safely? While at home, my Airport network has WEP security, but when I'm on a public wi-fi network, am I vulnerable without Firewall on? What steps can I take to secure the mac while Firewall is off? Thanks!!
Why not just allow certain applications to pass through the firewall? I haven't used it as my router is also performing firewall functions, but you should be able to tell the Mac OS X firewall which applications should be allowed to pass through the firewall.
I've tried to allow FTP, but this doesn't work. I'm still not allowed access to ftp servers with Firewall turned on. As soon as I turn Firewall off, FTP works. I think the "Allow FTP" feature is designed for serving FTP, rather than accessing it, which might explain why it doesn't help me.
Well, both the FTP client and server communicate through port 21, so if you open up that port you should be good to go. Also check to make sure that it's open for outbound connections if it's possible. Again, I haven't played around with the OS X firewall so I can't tell you for sure how to do this. :(