Do We Need a Homepage?


Staff member
Hi All...

Well, I'm in a "modifications" mode in case you haven't noticed. Trying to provide a little more features than previously offered. Some have suggested to me in the past about providing a "front page" with highlighted information, some polls, popular threads, that sort of thing.

My question to you is... would this be something you'd want? Or do you enjoy having the FORUMS being the main page?

I think the forums should be the focus of the main page. Although, it couldn't hurt to add some auxiliary information along with the forum list. As for what that information might be, I'm sure you'll think of something. :-)
A homepage would be nice, but don't try to deliver more content than you can. I once was part of a site like this and tried to provide too much content, such as articles and reviews and such, it gets hard to keep it all updated. Anyhow, a homepage with useful links, some articles, some reviews and a news section would be nice. However, keeping the forums the main aspect of the site should be the primary goal :)
The content would just be stuffed pulled out of the forums. I want to get into the content business at all, and as you said, is too much work, doing it part-time.
Keep it like it was. Log in and you see the forms. I don't like the gallery shoing up, maybe the bottom of the page would be a better place. This is about the forms and they should be the first thing you see.

Well, well, well...looks like the homepage is up, at least I think that's the homepage.

Right now it's a blank page with a Press3 ad on it. :)
We will be making some minor modifications to the splash page over the course of the coming week, however the "advertising" slots will remain.

Like the idea of a splash screen... could I make a suggestion?

Could we close off the right portion of the box? (see my attachement).


  • splash.jpg
    44.6 KB · Views: 18
Speaking of top nav, I would like to see something closer to what's on the forum opening page on the splash screen.

I mocked a very rough concept of the top bar... I think it carries a bit more weight from what's currently on the page.

With the current solution, the ads seem to overpower the page and detach the user from the provider of the content (

Any other thoughts?


  • splashscreen.jpg
    60.7 KB · Views: 22
evildan's new macosx graphic is cool. I like that. Also can we make the link in more defined? Right now it get's lost. If i were coming here for the first time i may not know where to click. If it's not obvious i leave a site.


my idea attached...


  • macosx.jpg
    62.5 KB · Views: 16
Humm now that i look at it it almost makes it look like it costs to be here. the 9.95/year is getting mixed in.

Originally posted by twister
Humm now that i look at it it almost makes it look like it costs to be here. the 9.95/year is getting mixed in.


I think you're right. The home page makes look like a business rather than a discussion forum, and the top banner should link to the forums. The link to the forums is too little visible. The potential banners have too high priority (and I generally hate banners because they never match the rest of the site design). I like it simple and clean, still organized and user friendly.