Do you have also a PC?

Do you hace just macs, or pcs too?

  • I have a Mac / only Macs.

  • I have a Mac / Macs AND a pc / pcs running something else than Windows.

  • I have a Mac / Macs AND a pc running Windows.

  • I have a pc / pcs only.

  • I have Mac / Macs AND pcs that are running something else than Windows AND Windows

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Along with my Macs (14 Apple systems) I have SGIs (3 systems), Suns (2 systems) and PCs (3 systems).

My PCs are:
  • IBM ThinkPad 760 ED (running Rhapsody 5.1)
  • DEC Celebris (running Rhapsody 5.1)
  • DEC Venturis (running OPENSTEP 4.2)

Actually, the only one I am currently using is my ThinkPad as the Celebris was replaced with a Power Macintosh 7500 (with a PPC604e/210) running Rhapsody 5.6 and I don't have a monitor for the Venturis.

Here is what it looks like right now.


  • feynman-today.jpg
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Mmmh, sounds very yummy, RacerX :D

(Macs only here.. I have had 3 pcs in my life, 1 still own but is in my paretns place, it runs MSX and not windwos and is from the 1980s so I can't do anythign with it, as a Commodore 64 seems more advanced than that .. 2 other pcs I sold away, and right now only a Mac left)
I thought about building myself a cheap PC, but I decided the money it would involve would be better spent on something else (like getting an amputation ;)). All Macs here, though my mom has to use a Dull laptop for work since her iBook got stolen.
Hmm.....where's the option for "everything?" :D

Well, I have my Mac Quadra which I will never give up, and that has recently been upgraded to a 9 GB drive running 8.1 and will either have Debian Linux or NetBSD running alongside it on another partition (who knows, I may be crazy enough to load both...if possible). :D

I also have 4 PCs in the following configuration and OS:
  • Homebrew Athlon XP 2400+ @ 2 GHz; Windows XP / Slackware 9.1.
  • Gutted Dell in generic PC Case, 600 MHz PIII; Windows 2000 Server.
  • Homebrew AMD 5x86 PR133 @ 100 MHz; Nothing now but will have Slack 9.1 installed.
  • Homebrew PII 400 MHz; Windows 2000 Pro (My son's computer).

I would love to get a nice used PPC machine, but that means I would have to give up 2 of the PCs for the one Mac. Yes, I love the Mac, but I love all types of computers for what they are....and I'm a pack rat. :p

Why not get the PPC machine anyways you say??? Well, my other (better ;)) half is sick of all the computers. :D Plus, with a second kid on the way, there's less space for the hardware. BTW, she's a Windoze user, which explains why I have more than one machine with Windows.....that and the fact that I do some LAN gaming. So for now, Windows is a part of the mix (I'm working on getting some games under Linux on the Athlon).

What I find funny is that she is making me get rid of 2 or more PCs for one PPC Mac. Now if that's not proof of a WinTel user validating the value of a Mac I don't know what is!! ::ha:: :p
I feel so inadequate next to you guys,started out on a Performa6300,then the first gen. iMac (graphite),now running the flat iMac 17in.:)
markceltic said:
I feel so inadequate next to you guys,started out on a Performa6300,then the first gen. iMac (graphite),now running the flat iMac 17in.:)
Sounds like my story. We used a IIsi until 1998, when we bought the G3, and now of course I'm on my iMac.
markceltic said:
I feel so inadequate next to you guys,started out on a Performa6300,then the first gen. iMac (graphite),now running the flat iMac 17in.:)

Hey, no reason for feelign inadequate for having such a mac history ;)
My story started with a C64 going to a Amiga500 and then an Amstrad 286. The 286 was the beginning of AMD and Intel to fullfill my computational needs (in those days mostly games). From then on I had a 386SX, 486DX2, Pentium 60, PentiumII, Duron, Thunderbird and my last one was a Northwood PentiumIV. Graduated to mac on 2002 with my so much loved iBook. Right now I am on a tibook using my P4 as the tv video-streamer, fileserver and any windows-only applications controlling it on my mac with RDC. Outlook: G5 powerbook :D
My PC died and I am very busy resurrecting it with a new power supply ... so for now I have Macs (iBook SE Graphite & 12" PB G1). Does a PC running Darwin qualify as half-a-mac? :D
Cat said:
Does a PC running Darwin qualify as half-a-mac? :D
Never. It qualifies as a convertible. I remember an advertisment of a convertible BMW saying: Our hardware runs better without windows. :)
- Work ( Graphic Design, programming )
- Web ( all my surfing the web through Safari )
- Communicate ( iChat, MSN etc )
- Movie ( use it to see movies )

- All i use my Windows for is gaming, like EverQuest, Anarchy-Online etc
Macs (see sig)
and a Nextstation colour (wont boot, NeXTStep 3.3 is in the post though) which should count as half a mac.
.. Added "all" option (= Mac, and pcs with Win and other). anyone need their vote changed?
I have a Tipowerbook 15" and an older Pentium III w/ Microsoft 95 on it. I'm considering scrapping MS 95 on that one and loading a linux OS just to play around with it, get used to the setup, and eventually TAKE OVER THE WORLD.....or just tweak my powerbook to perfection.

and i also know that if i made it down to my parent's basement and actually looked around i could find the Apple IIc with the 5.5" floppy drive from my childhood :D ahhh good memories
Too many computers to track in my house. In my home office I currently have a beige g3 desktop with 10.1.5, P-II 233 clone with Win98/Mandrake Linux 9, and the iBook with Panther. Used the beige as my main computer and the clone as a web page test station until I bought the iBook. Now the beige is on a never ending quest to find ET while the clone just collects dust. Also have the old Commadore 64 sitting in my closet...power cord is toast, maybe someday I'll get around to fixing it again.

The Sun box is currently at the company office being used as a file and database server.