Do you iPod? (do you yahoo, got it?)

Do you have the pod?

  • I have one and like it

  • I have one and don't like it (...)

  • I don't have one, going to buy

  • I don't have one, not going to buy

  • What is iPod?/Don't care/This poll sucks

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I've got the impression that almost everyone on this forum got an iPod...
Is it true?

The question is simple: Do you have an iPod? (and do you like it)
Please check a box:)
Just got one. Xmas bonus. As good as Apple says it is. Transfers 4.5 gigs in 1/3 less time than my nomad IIc does 96MBs. Instant on. Fast nav. Don't know if I would have shelled out $400 of my own money, though.
Got an IPOD and my teenagers (boy and girl) were fighting me over it so much that I decided to purchase another over XMAS in order to keep peace in the family. Being able to have all of one's music collection (well at least 1000 songs) really redefines the music experience - select artist and random shuffle and you have great variety of music that you like (ie, tailored radio station).

Others have MP3 players, but the s l o w music downloads and small memory or bulky design really has these players used not that often.

BTW - tried the iRock FM transmitter with IPOD and it works well (even with many radio stations - just make sure the transmitter is placed next to car radio
I'll probably never get one as long as it doesn't appear under the Juletre ;)

For 400 $ (4500 kr), I'd rather buy a 160 GB HD and still have 1000 kr left for 3 128 MB RAM chips for my PowerMac... ;)
When do people really use their iPods?

I commute 3-4 hours a day on the train, but I couldn't picture myself buying one if that wasn't the case.

On that note, the battery life is amazing. I got it the other day, charged it for about 30 minutes, and it made the 2 hour trip home with quite a bit of power left.
Personal FM transmitter? tell me more!

I dunno about anyone else, but looking at the dial on the front of an iPod, I have to think of those DJ CD players, with the controls that try to imitate a turntable. Unfortunately, you can't scratch with an iPod, just scroll through menus and adjust volume and such. Such a waste of a swirly dial ;)

Wouldn't that be something - set two tiny iPods on either side of your mixer, and mix a set off them! You could have way more tracks than a milk crate full of vinyl at your disposal... Ah well, we can always dream.

Oh yeah - I don't have one, probably never will. I would find it hard to justify spending that money on an mp3 player.
Actually, I paid less for my iMac/333 than an iPod would cost...

Hehe, I have an FM transmitter that I built from a kit... I just added an antenna and audio input, and now I can send music with it, up to 5 km I think if the conditions are good :D
Very nice, very expensive to playing music...

I'm sure Apple sells every iPod they build, so price is no question.

For myself I can see hundredth of other things to do with the $400... so I continue to use my old radio for music at home, and to walk listing to the birds.
as I did.

I got myself an iPod about two days ago. I was one of the people who claimed that Apple would never release "Just" an MP3 player. This wouldn't be revolutionary enough. i was dissapointed when they did. When I then held an iPod in my hands, used the navigator wheel, heard it's sound quality...I knew: this is a revolution! You know, I was really dissapointed at first, but noe the iPod won my heart! ;)
It costs nearly 500 dollars over here, but I think it is worth every cent! Ever tried to buy a 5 GB microdrive? I now have a small, last resort OS 9 AND OS X on it (I can actually boot from that thing, at least OS 9, haven't tested OS X) and about 2 gig MP3s. It's great! I love it! People ask me what it is and are blown away when I explain it! They say "hey, I neve knew such a thing exists...what space has it?" When I then say 5 GB which you can use as a HDD, they most often don't believe me ;)
I like the iPod. It is expensive. It is nothing for someone who just wants to play MP3s, but it's the greatest gift to the Mac community Apple could make!

And it is worth every penny!
I originally complained about the iPod as being a product that Apple wasted its resources on (just give me faster CPUs, dammit!). But after thinking about more and realizing just what it meant for my music library and how it might get me back in the gym (since I can jam to a billion songs while working out, otherwise bored), and how fast it is and how nice the interface is and how I made a good chunk of money at the end of the year...

...I was totally wrong. The iPod is a very, very good product. I still think it's a tad bit overpriced, but not as much as I had thought. In fact, if people are buying them, then I guess it's not overpriced at all, now is it? Relative to the competition, it's still priced correctly and beats all of them easily. Firewire is mandatory. Any USB solution is a joke.

I'll be buying one just as soon as I convert all my CDs.
Santa was very generous this year.
I'm dead impressed with the iPod - the packaging is so cool too!
Sound Quality Ace - Battery Life Ace - 5 GB - plenty!

mindbend, that statement you made is SO true: "Any USB solution is a joke."

Seriously, when you have an MP3 player that has 6 GB of space, or 20 GB of space, are you gonna tell me with a straight face that you'll wait a couple hours to transfer over your music library or your data, just because it has more space than the iPod? I really laugh at people when they say that. Even though it's true with 20 GB you might not need to do any music shuffling, you probably won't have to with 5 GB either. But when you have that backup to do on your computer, and all you have is your MP3 player :)D), then I'd rather have a FireWire connection.

USB MP3 players are a joke since they transfer music so slowly. Who the hell cares if not many PCs have FireWire? The MP3 player manufacturers should recognize the potential of FireWire and USE it. I'm surprised Apple was the first one. Let's hope everybody else follows their lead.

(Oh, by the way -- ever heard of those MP3 Players that are touted to be very similar to the iPod? Guess what connection they had? USB. Hahahaha, I laugh in the faces of those companies.)

OK, I'll shut up now. :p
just remember... for us unfortunate windows users... firewire cards are not standard... and alot of windows users haven't even heard of FireWire, so why would we want to put our money down on something we don't even have in our computer...

people that do Digital Video know about it but most of the "regular joes" don't...

that's why I HATE BEING A WINDOWS USER and am buying a mac... when the new iMac comes out (HELLO BUILT IN FLAT PANEL!)