Do you skype?

Do you skype, or have you ever skyped?

  • I skype

  • I have tried at least once

  • No

  • What is skype?

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I skype almost on a daily basis and introduced it to others (PC and Mac Users) who are pleased to have it for long distance calls out of Switzerland.

Giaguara : I think the options are enough if the result you want to obtain is do one use Skype or not.
Otherwise you'd have to add : frequency of use/ type of calls (short-Long distance) other features used like Skype out/in etc... but that sounds more like a poll skype should make to its users, rite ?
A very useful tool. I wish they gonna speed up their skype-in beta phase and release it for macs as well.
Well, the details can be posted? Can't make a subpoll in it ... :)

I do skype when we have an ocean between us, just so much nicer voice quality than on phone (and better voice compression than in iChat with a dsl shared by 5-6 people, or a less than T1 bandwidth). So about all uses are for international calls (which can be easily lengthy too, easily an hour or 2, or more). And why pay for international calls when you both have a computer, and it sounds better than the landline phone, and if you used the landline phone, you would have to pay for the calls..?
However, like with normal phone directories, I like to go unlisted and unclassified (which is fortunately possible).
I'd love to skype but can't.

Just moved to another country and am in temporary accommodation without the internet. At work i have the fastest net connection i've ever seen (_megabytes_ per second transfer), but they get very angry if you use skype as its considered p2p and therefore evil.

Hopefully if i find somewhere to live and don't end up employed but homeless (looking like areal possibility at the moment :( ), i'll be able to skype to my friends and family back home, which would save me my current insane mobile bills.