Does AFP time out?


Simply Daemonic
Here's the situation:

I am transfering files from one mac to another via AFP. My mac is the AFP server and the other one the client. I log in without problems, and I attempt to transfer approx. 5 GB worth of files. At arround 160MB the connection gets dropped, any ideas? These machines are connected though a hub.

I was thinking that the file names having funky names might be the cause. They were created on MacOS 8.5 and macOS 9 and contain things in the format of hello.march.95.psd or hello.03/ just to name a couple. I am relegated to transfering data 50-100 MB at a time and supervising the whole thing to make sure that everything gets transfered.

any ideas?
in addition to the above, my client mac (running 10.2.x) has crashed several times while in the transfer progress
I have experienced the same thing with OS X. So, I just copy fewer files at a time -- to me it seems to be the number of files that makes AFP choke.
Bummer ---
I have transfered all files (what a pain in the rear end that was)
for future reference, other than FTP - what sort of protocols do you think are better?