Does America have a Milli Vanilli President?


Master of my Universe
OMG! Bush has been getting fed his lines through a remote earpiece! Check out the story on Bulge in Bush's back visible during first debate

Make sure you read the whole story - ie: go to the Premium content, watch the ad if like me you're not a subscriber.

There's plenty of talk about how indeed the Bush campaign had requested (confirmed by the Commission on Presidential Debates) that there be no cameras behind the candidates. Also, they've looked at the raw video feed, and determined that this photo is NOT FAKE, it's clearly visible at minute 23 of the debate. Additionally, there's another interesting tidbit, about a CNN broadcaster that picked up the signal of someone reading Bush's D-Day Event speech lines, followed by the President repeating them.

"It's hard work" is the new "Girl you know it's true" *skip* "Girl you know it's true" ....
Every single president since the dawn of the "information age" has been constantly wired for communications at public events. It's done by the Secret Service as a security measure in case something happens. Using common sense would kinda dictate this, but then again when's the media used that?

If he had been some kind of relay with a device like that, then you'd see the tell-tale white coiled wire to his ear piece. You dont'. The 'lump' is also much larger than required just for a 'receiver'. You can pickup radio receivers the size of a pack of matches easily & cheaply in the public sector, so you can imagine what the government has access to. They should easily be able to have an earpiece only type of device that would be almost undetectable by looking in today's day and age, so why risk such a large item that would be detected if they were up to no good?

Heck, my cellphone is approximately 1/4 that size and it has cellular and 2-way radio features (receive/transmit) built-into it. There's a model out that's almost 1/2 the size of my cell phone.

Bush is a horrible public speaker. It's a commonly known fact. Some people are great speakers (Reagan), some aren't. Some can speak fine in a controlled environment (say full of supporters), and some have issues when they're speaking to a mixed crowd. Some have a horrible time speaking under pressure, while some can speak under pressure/excitment without thought (Clinton).