Does anybody?

off topic: if you are not sure about the spelling, simply start typing the word like: 'customiz' and press option+esc. ;)
There was a company selling kits for you to build you own G4 based machine in an ATX case, but they've seemed to have disappeared. It was called CoreCrib Computers.

Not surprising to me, as the vast majority of PC cases are just plain ugly IMO. That and the costs to build the 1.2GHz G4 was outrageous...almost as much as a new G5 single.
isn't it kinda tacky? i mean pc user stick lights and leds all over to disguise their ugly-as-sin designed-by-the-blind cases. we've got Multi-design award winning Jonathan Ive headed masterpieces. seems a bit of a slight against that hard work nito minimalism to stick, basically, a roof spoiler to it and some go faster stripes....

N.B. I've never liked car modding, so i'm hardly the best opinion here
Lt Major Burns said:
isn't it kinda tacky? i mean pc user stick lights and leds all over to disguise their ugly-as-sin designed-by-the-blind cases. we've got Multi-design award winning Jonathan Ive headed masterpieces. seems a bit of a slight against that hard work nito minimalism to stick, basically, a roof spoiler to it and some go faster stripes....

True. But it would get old staring at a silver tower all day..... :eek:
i stare at the screen. the towers by my desk, where i shoot it the occaisional dreamy-eyed glance.. :D /takes cold shower
The designs of Apple computers are pretty perfect in my opinion. No need for illuminated fans or fancy water cooling. Really, not necessary.
I really can't think of anything I'd change on my mac even down to the mouse. :D Strange, when I had a windows machine I was always getting new cases, keyboards, mice and everything else. I really like the minimalistic/ futuristic looks of all macs, not just the obvious box and monitor you get with pcs.
I wasnt thinking about water cooling or anything like that. I was thinking maybe it would be neat to take that useless speaker out (or move it) of the front of my friend's G4 and put a temp. monitor or something there. Nothing huge.