Does anyone knows "Wired client"?


In a company I saw a fantastic thing: with an application called "wired client" people were able to share files from different places. I would really like to be able to do this becaus I'm interesting in transfering files to my client and taking information from them. But i was wondering some basic feature: do I need a server for this? (I suppose...) or can I dot it with a "normal" macosx? If I must have a server can I install it on my own macosx or must I format the hard disk?
I get in touch with the webpage and forums of the creator of wired client but I wanted to ask in this forum too as I was really satisfied by the solutions you usually give.
Thanks for any information. And sorry for my poor english...
Wired client sounds like a computer with an Ethernet connection. It might even be dial-up. The point is that your connection will be either wired or wireless. There is no new miracle discovery. What this really sounds like is someone advertising a product that simply duplicates features that already exist on virtually every computer ever made.
'... I'm interesting in transfering files to my client and taking information from them ... do I need a server ... or can I do it with ... MacOS X?' - if you and your client(s) have Macintosh'es (and all using MacOS X) - use 'iChat', t allows voice, and / or video, and / or instant messaging, and / or sending files.
If you and / or others do not use a Macintosh, then consider 'AOL Instant Messenger' (less the video with Mac version; but, compatible with 'iChat') or 'Yahoo! Messenger' for similar features.

'... must I format the hard disk?' - no.

'And sorry for my poor english...' - Ihren Englisch ist hier gut.
Ok I see I don't express myself correctly... A little more information: "wired client" is a software from zankasoftware. There is another application called "wired server". It uses a specific protocol that allows quick file transfers (don't want to use ichat as this is not conceive for this). I wondered if I can just install wired server on a normal macosx so that other people from paris with "wired client" can access part of my computer. I tried it but don't succeed in it. Does anyone used this application in a normal macosx or do I need a macosx server???