Does Classic Work At All?


Hi folks. I'm new to this forum . . . a looonnggg time Mac user but a brand new OS X and Dual G4 user.

Not one of my OS 9 programs will function in "Classic" mode and I'm wondering if it really works at all or I have a lemon. Be it Photoshop 6, Filemaker Pro, Page Maker, even Simple Text! They all open but if I attempt to click in somewhere on the window they either close or crash. (BTW, most things work if I start up with OS 9).

Thanks!!! Bill
Have you checked the Classic control panel in OS X? You could also have too many OS 9 control panels and extensions running. Remember that you are running two operating systems at the same time. You don't need all of the control panels in OS 9 on when you are in Classic. Some of these control panels are superseded by OS X.
You can turn off: Control Strip, Energy saver, file sharing, infrared, location manager, modem, monitors, mouse, multiple Users, Password security, remote access, software update, tcp/ip, and web sharing.
Save the set as classic speedy and you will notice the difference.

Also in OS 9, check to make sure you have virtual memory turned on and Ram disk turned off. This is a must.