Does OSX make you upgrade your 'old' apps?


Well....usually I really 'fall behind' when comes to software. I don't really upgrade that much unless there's a real need

However with OSX I really start upgrading those major apps I am using.....

First.....Cinema 4D (free upgrade fortunately)......then Illustrator 10....then After Effects Final Cut Pro 3.

The next one probably is Photoshop 7. And it should be the last big app that I need to upgrade in the next 18 months.

After Photoshop. I will just leave other smaller apps "as is". I will leave Dreamweaver, Office, QuarkXpress to run under Classic.
again, i think this is the greatest feature of all that i don't have to update apps. by using classic i keep the investments i have made up to this point. many of the apps i use have free upgrades and those are the ones i love to use the most. some i have paid a bit for to get an upgrade and am glad i did for the most part. others never will upgrade and i don't have to worry - they still work without rebooting. i may be simple, but i really don't know how i could ask for more!!
so it's really more a matter of wanting to upgrade rather than having to update. of course i don't really use my computer to perform my profession. however i was impressed that one good software program i will want professionally is now in osx - a psychological treatment planner. i have played with the windows version at school and liked it. I am excited that now i can get it and run it native as well!!!!:)
You guys realize that it is inevitable that you will have to abandon your Classic apps, right?

I don't think it will happen any time soon. But it will. Probably in five years, or so.

Why? It is basically a problem of diminishing returns. Mac users will be using Classic applications less and less and less, and it will begin to be a waste of time to expend resources on updating Classic so it works.

Classic will be phased out sometime in the future, so be on the lookout for freeware/shareware applications that can replace your Classic applications. There will most likely be an OS X replacement for every Classic application within a few years. So don't expect to be able to rely on Classic all the time.
sim - if i choose to keep this computer, i can run classic til i am old and gray or dead, whichever comes 1st. is apple or anyone else going to force me to sell it?

i'm more worried about today anyway than i am 5 years from now:D